
New Domain Name Regulation

Although it will become effective when TRABIS (.tr Network Connection System) is set, the Ministry of Transportation and Communication takes advance step to regulate new domain name system.
When the regulation becomes effective, the domain names will be registrable for at least 1 year or 5 years utmost. The new system will make it possible to assign, sell, and waive the domain name.
The most significant change that the Regulation brings is new alternative dispute resolution service, called Alternative Dispute Service Provider (UÇHS). UÇHS will be provided by independent entities which will include panels like ICANN or WIPO domain name resolution system. Likewise, the parties will be able to apply to UÇHS on the same grounds as WIPO, which are:
a) The domain name in dispute will be identical or similar with the trademark, commercial title, and business name or other introductory signs owned or used in trade,
b) The registrant of the domain name will have no legal right or connection with the domain name in dispute,
c) The domain name in dispute should have been registered or used in bad faith.